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Winners 2020

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Winners 2020 | Победители 2020

Tour Film Fest 2020 Winners



Promotional Clip (up to 3 min)

You Have Reached Your Destination | Достигнахте вашата дестинация!

Producer: Všį „Go Vilnius“, Lithuania


Promotional Film

Help | Помощ

 Producer: Madrid Destino, Spain


Reporting/Documentary Film

The Altars of Bulgaria – Guards of Memories | Олтарите на България – Стражи на спомена

Producer: BNT Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


Promotional Film

Danau Toba – The Biggest Caldera Lake in the World | Данау Тоба – най-голямото кратерно езеро в света

Producer: Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia


Reporting/Documentary Film

Nakhchivan is the Soul of the Azerbaijan | Нахчъван е сърцето на Азербайджан

Producer: Nakhchivan State Television, Azerbaijan


Promotional Clip (up to 3 min)

Nothing Much but Much More | Нищо особено, но толкова повече

Producer: Republic Of Srpska Tourist Organisation, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Promotional Film

The Secret of Tanintharyi | Тайната на Танинтари

Producer: International Trade Centre (ITC), Myanmar


Cultural Tourism:

Promotional Clip (up to 3 min)

Golubac Fortress – Ancient Guardian of Iron Gate | Крепост Глобулак – Древният пазител на Желязната порта

Producer: ALTERNATIVA Agency, Serbia


Reporting/Documentary Film

The Altars of Bulgaria – Colours of Memories | Олтарите на България – Цветовете на спомените

Producer: BNT Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


Television Program (TV Shows)

1 Tourism – The Historical Park – Journey to the Past | 1 Туризмът – Исторически парк – пътешествие в миналото

Producer: BNT Varna, Bulgaria

Eco Tourism:

Promotional Clip (up to 3 min)

Raja Ampat – The King of the Ocean | Раджа Ампат – царят на океана

Producer: Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia


Promotional film

Discover Parque Futangue” | Открий парк Футанг

Producer: Chronos Cinema, Chile

Promotional Film

Experience Rindal – Story of the Rindalsbunad | Изживей Риндал Историята на Риндалската носия

Producer: Kreativ Lobster, Opplev Rindal, Norway

Sport Tourism:

Promotional Clip (up to 3 min)

Alps at their Very Best | Най-доброто от Алпите

Producer: Zell Am See-Kaprun Tourismus, Austria


Reporting/Documentary Film

This is HERstory | Нейната история

Producer: Ilina Arsova, Macedonia



Promotional Film

Hunger for Experience | Глад за изживявания

Producer: Turismo Rias Baixas, Spain


Promotional Film

Rupel Winery | Винарна Рупел

Producer: This is Bulgaria HD, Bulgaria


MICE & Event:

Reporting/Documentary Film

At the Opera with BNT – The Fire, The Celebration | На опера с БНТ – Огънят-Празникът

Producer: BNT2, Bulgaria


Religion Tourism:

Television Program (TV Shows)

Home of Faith – Glozhene Monastery St. George the Victorious | Домът на вярата – „Гложенски манастир Св. Георги Победоносец”

Producer: BNT, Bulgaria


Hotels and Resorts:

Promotional Film

The inspiration behind an old manor house hotel renovation | Вдъхновението зад реставрацията на едно старо имение

Producer: Ryugon inc., Japan


Reporting/Documentary Film

Climent Guitart, Pioner del Turisme | Климент Гитарт, пионер в туризма

Producer: Fundació Climent Guitart, Spain


And yet it all seems limitless | Безграничният всемир

Producer: Fabien Carre


Promotional Film for Tourism Destination

Staycation | На почивка у дома

Producer: OPENîmes Tourisme, France


The main objectives

The main objectives of the Festival are:

  • To present to the public films and productions about tourist products and destinations;
  • To stimulate investments in tourism promotion of cultural and historical heritage;
  • To show the good practices and promote the latest trends in tourism filmmaking;
  • To rouse the interest of the tourist business and production companies towards tourism film products;
  • To encourage film industry professionals to turn their efforts and specialize in tourism filmmaking;
  • To create conditions for highly efficient promotional content.

Our Statistics